Sunday, November 8, 2009

Cloth Diapers

So I have offically decided to cloth diaper (CD) and am lucky that Mike is agreeing to do it. I have done MONTHS of research and let me just say that it isn't the same as the CD's that my mom did 28 years ago! There are hundreds of different brands and types but I think I am narrowed it down. I am posting it on here so I don't forget what I have decided to use for my stash and maybe it will help someone else.

I am regiserted at :

I am also using:

I have decided to get:


24 newborn prefolds (from green mt)

24 small prefolds (from green mt)

3 Bumgenius one-size pockets (for night time diapering, and daycare)

1 blueberry delux one-size pocket

2 xsmall AIO (all in one) bumgenius- bought

1 xsmall bumbkin AIO- bought

2 small AIO bumgenius

1 small Swaddlebee AIO

2 xsmall sposoeasy AIO (from green mt)

2 small sposoeasy AIO (from green mt)


1 xsmall imse vimse organic diaper cover

1 small imse vimse organic diaper cover

2 thirstie duos size 1 diaper covers

1 newborn bummis super brite diaper cover- bought

1 newborn bummis whisper wrap diaper cover -bought

1 small bummis super brite diaper cover

1 small bummis whisper wrap diaper cover


2 Planet Wise Pail Liners (these line the diaper pail and get thrown in the wash with the CD's)

1 Medium Wet bag by Leslie's Boutique (for diaper bag)

1 diaper sprayer (I did find a blog that had a make your own for 1/2 the price that I am going to see if my mom and I can do and if it works I will post the directions)

3 snappis (newage diaper pins)

I am hoping to buy a little at a time so it doesn't seem like so much. The good thing is that this is still WAY less expensive than disposable diapering (probably about 600-800 (and hopefully not all spent by Mike and I) once I figure in every diaper I ever get but hopefully these will last through all of children and disposable diapers cost on avg. 2500-3000 until potty trained) Also it is so much more eco-friendly, CD's cause less diaper rash and our little one will be potty trained faster.

I figure we will try it, if we hate it will will turn to disposables and sell our stash. Wish us luck :)

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