Thursday, July 16, 2009

Sooooo Tired!!

I am pretty sure that this is one of those things people tell you about being pregnant but you jsut ignore them. I kept thinking, I am so active, I won't have any problems....HA!! I am so tired!!!!! I am fine in the morning and at night, but from about 1:30pm to 4pm I can barely keep my eyes open! Nap time has because one of my favorite past times!!! I don't know how woman who work all day survive! I am a teacher and do teach summer school but luckly I am done at 12:30pm. Just in time for a wonderful nap!

1 comment:

  1. Saw your blog through the bump :)

    As far as tiredness, Get used to it! I thought to myself last week "huh, I haven't been napping as much" but realized I'm just getting used to the constant exhaustion. I think it's so we're ready for the exhaustion of having a little one in the house! Hope you have more energy :)
